The 2015 AquaZone Mobile Water Bar: the vehicle is shaped like a rolling water fall of blue lights. On the corners of the platform
are large water coolers dispensing curious blends of intention infused waters. The perimeter of the vehicle is covered rolling waves of LED light.

The vehicle has been totally encased on all four sides in a steel tube and fiberglass frame supporting a platform at the height of the roof extending from the hood to 2′ past the rear bumper. The roof, doors, back seats, and trunk have been removed leaving only the hood and dashboard intact. The back interior is fashioned as a cozy nest under the plexiglas dance floor.

I provide rides to all participants (up to the 10p capacity) and actively invite the elderly and families with children whom I encounter. My 70 yo parents will attend again this year (burners since 2003). They appreciate seeing deep playa without the threat of being abandoned miles from home.

This is the anchor art car and support vehicle for the art installation Sonic Runway.

I intend to be the central vehicle for the performance art whereby the AquaZone dispenses Mount Shasta Holy Water to thirsty temple visitors during the day and Love Infused Water to thirsty dancers after dark. Being a father with a 8 yo child, I am regularly found passing through Kidsville. I commit to driving for Black Rock Scout outings and the Kidsville night art tour.